
     07925 667 671
      9am - 5pm daily

What Claydon and Barham GNS can offer:

•  Shopping
•  Prescription collection
•  Dog-walking
•  Handyman
•  Form-filling
•  Help with technology

The Scheme is run by a small committee, and uses local volunteers. We are fully GDPR-compliant and DBS-accredited.

The Scheme's call centre is open from 9am to 5pm daily, but we can carry out jobs as late as 9pm if necessary. If we can't fit you in before then, we'll try to give you the first slot the following day.

So if you need us, don't hesitate to call. We have a keen team of volunteers able and willing to provide help.  No job is too trivial!

That number again:              07925 667 671

If you'd like to get involved as a volunteer, please email us for more information.

Claydon and Barham GNS is a member of Suffolk Good Neighbour Network
which is run under the banner of Community Action Suffolk

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